Overall, I loved the game play but it lacked balance, if you upgrade spammed, you'd become ridicously rich way too fast. Also the upgrades are unclear and I wish more numbers showed such as what upgrades do exactly and what each country does rather than being unclear. (2.5x faster for example)
I also wish selling was instant, I felt it was completely unnecessary to put it on a random timer that sold stuff when it felt like it and wouldn't sell if there was a daily report. Also one of the countries could only send 1 unit and nothing happens when you hit the goal number of a million. I feel like you should add country restrictions so they can only buy countries NEAR countries that are already bought so people don't just jump the 200k country like I did after upgrading completely. I literally upgraded, removed all my thieves and placed them in a new country and upgraded then went straight to the 200k once i had the computer stealing country. (Another thing, you should show how much a thief costs to make in certain countries)
Other bugs I noticed is that the first country or tutorial country as I like to call it continuously repeats the tutorial message when you send more thieves in, also when you send a thief in WITHOUT clicking on it the message doesn't pop up, despite you sent one.
Great game and it did kill my time but i felt showing numbers and placing restrictions to make the game harder was a MUST.